Very happy with the service and advice rendered here, The environment is the best I’ve ever been In the staff seem to enjoy what they do, and believe me as a retired navy guy now trucker Driver, I have literally been around the world. I highly recommend Family dentistry, Sorry I ran out of time today before my appointment, meant to bring Flowers to let you all know your appreciated, maybe next time… Give Family dentistry a chance, you will be a repeat customer.

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a bit like a rite of passage. You usually get your wisdom teeth between the ages of 17 to 25, right around the time you are embarking upon your adulthood.
Despite the overall feeling of becoming wise as you leave high school or college, your oral health can actually benefit from your wisdom teeth becoming removed. (Don’t worry! You won’t lose any wisdom you’ve gained so far). We’re sharing a video by the American Dental Association that talks about some of the benefits of keeping these third molars as well as some of the issues that can arise.
Have you noticed yours coming in? If so, call us today at 605-250-4651 (Minnesota Ave) 605-638-9986 (Eastside) to schedule an appointment at Sioux Falls Smiles in Sioux Falls, SD. You can also schedule online.