Very happy with the service and advice rendered here, The environment is the best I’ve ever been In the staff seem to enjoy what they do, and believe me as a retired navy guy now trucker Driver, I have literally been around the world. I highly recommend Family dentistry, Sorry I ran out of time today before my appointment, meant to bring Flowers to let you all know your appreciated, maybe next time… Give Family dentistry a chance, you will be a repeat customer.

TMJ pain gives you a painfully sore jaw. But it often causes other painful symptoms too, including headaches, earaches, and tension in your neck and shoulders.
Fortunately, pain relief is often simple. Our dentists can fit you for a custom-made mouthguard that will relieve tension on your jaw joints (TMJ) so they have a chance to heal. It will also keep you from grinding your teeth, a harmful habit often linked to TMJ disorders.
We’ll take dental impressions using comfortable digital technology. With your sore jaw, you’ll be glad you won’t have to bite down on a tray of molding material. The impressions are used to create your mouthguard.
You’ll wear the mouthguard at night while you sleep. In no time, your jaw will feel better!
To relieve your TMJ pain, call Sioux Falls Smiles at 605-250-4651 (Minnesota Ave) 605-638-9986 (Eastside) today. You can also schedule online.
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