Very happy with the service and advice rendered here, The environment is the best I’ve ever been In the staff seem to enjoy what they do, and believe me as a retired navy guy now trucker Driver, I have literally been around the world. I highly recommend Family dentistry, Sorry I ran out of time today before my appointment, meant to bring Flowers to let you all know your appreciated, maybe next time… Give Family dentistry a chance, you will be a repeat customer.

‘Tis the season… for dental emergencies.
Yes, folks, summer is here, and that means your Sioux Falls dentist will likely be seeing an uptick in dental problems that require urgent care over the next couple of months.
It’s not uncommon for dentists this time of year, actually.
The nicer weather means people are spending more time outdoors being physically active, playing sports, and consuming more acidic, sugary treats the way we all do while lounging poolside or vacationing at the beach.
With all that activity, though, comes more risk for things to go wrong with your teeth. From cavities to toothaches to dental injuries, anything can happen to land you in the dentist’s office for emergency treatment.
But we’re here to help you avoid such issues so your family’s summer fun isn’t spoiled by painful smile problems! Here’s how a custom mouthguard could keep your most precious smiles safe this season:
- It Will Protect Your Smile During Sports
This one is a no-brainer for any athlete in the family. It doesn’t really matter if you or your child plays a contact sport or not. The truth is that anyone or anything can cause an athlete to trip, fall, get bumped, or get hit and possibly knock out, break, or chip a tooth. You could save money on costly restorative care by simply wearing a mouthguard that offers full, reliable coverage due to the precise, comfortable fit and high-quality material.
- It Will Prevent Teeth Grinding
Because it’s most commonly done while a person is asleep, teeth grinding is the kind of habit you may not even know you have unless someone points it out. Or you may only be aware of it after several minutes of pressure you’re putting on your jaw joint in a tense or stressful situation. Either way, you’d be susceptible to chipped, cracked, or worn teeth that are more prone to decay, cavities, and infections, landing you in the dental chair!
- It Can Ease Chronic Jaw Pain
While jaw pain, lockjaw, muscle tension, and frequent headaches may not technically qualify as “emergencies,” your Sioux Falls dentist doesn’t want you to suffer any sort of pain that has to do with your teeth, gums, mouth, or jaw. It’s as simple as that! When you’re able to stop clenching down unwittingly on your jaw joint because of a custom mouthguard, not only are you less vulnerable to sudden, uncomfortable dental damage, but your TMJ will be able to heal naturally, helping you avoid other, more costly solutions like orthodontics or invasive surgeries. You’ll also feel much better!
If you think you could benefit from a comfortable mouthguard that’s custom-made by a skilled dentist, then give us a call at 605-250-4651 (Minnesota Ave) 605-638-9986 (Eastside) for an appointment at Sioux Falls Smiles in Sioux Falls, SD. You can also schedule online.