Prepare for Spring Sports With a Custom-Fit Mouthguard

As we prepare for the upcoming sports season, it’s important that you take steps to protect your smile! You might be surprised to learn that people who play sports without a mouthguard are 60 times more likely to experience an injury than ones that do. That’s a statistic you certainly don’t want to be part of!

With our custom-fit mouthguards, you or your child will be able to protect your mouth, teeth, lips, gums, and tongue from injury. Thanks to our mouthguards comfortable fit, you’ll be able to speak, talk, and breathe comfortably.

Play it safe this upcoming sports season with mouthguards! Call us today at 605-250-4651 (Minnesota Ave) 605-638-9986 (Eastside) to schedule an appointment at Sioux Falls Smiles in Sioux Falls, SD. You can also schedule online.

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