Very happy with the service and advice rendered here, The environment is the best I’ve ever been In the staff seem to enjoy what they do, and believe me as a retired navy guy now trucker Driver, I have literally been around the world. I highly recommend Family dentistry, Sorry I ran out of time today before my appointment, meant to bring Flowers to let you all know your appreciated, maybe next time… Give Family dentistry a chance, you will be a repeat customer.

How did you sleep last night? And how refreshed are you feeling this morning? If you are feeling groggy, dealing with a headache, and have a dry mouth, you are showing just a few signs of sleep apnea. Others include being told by a bed partner that you snore or gasp for air throughout the night.
Don’t wait one more day to treat sleep apnea! This disease can often increase your risk for heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. Luckily, we offer sleep apnea treatment that can get your health back on track. With our custom-fit mouthguard, you can finally sleep through the night without interruption.
Get sleep apnea treatment today by calling us at 605-250-4651 (Minnesota Ave) 605-638-9986 (Eastside) to schedule an appointment at Sioux Falls Smiles in Sioux Falls, SD. You can also schedule online.
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